On September 18, 2023, the COMETA Management Committee was formed at the COST headquarters in Brussels. During that meeting, the Action Chair and Vice-Chair, as well as other leadership positions were elected:
- Chair: Prof Ilaria Brivio
- Vice-Chair: Dr Karolos Potamianos
- Grant Holder Scientific Representative: Prof Ilaria Brivio
- Science Communication Coordinator: Dr Richard Ruiz
- Grant Awarding Coordinator: Prof Kadri Özdemir
- Grant Evaluation Committee: Prof Arnaud Ferrari, Prof Michele Gallinaro, Prof Konstantinos Kordas, Dr Simon Plaetzer & Prof Juergen Reuter
Working group leaders:
- WG1 Leaders: Dr Giovanni Pelliccioli & Prof Ramona Groeber
- WG2 Leaders: Dr Alessandra Cappati, Dr Riccardo Finotello & Dr Claudius Krause
- WG3 Leaders: Dr Valentina Maria Martina Cairo & Dr Matteo Presilla
- WG4 Leaders: Prof Arnaud Ferrari & Prof Pietro Govoni
- WG5 Leaders: Dr Flavia de Almeida Dias & Dr Kārlis Dreimanis
An up-to-date list of the action contacts and leadership positions is available on the COST website.